Gold Box
(3-Day Power Supply)
Linear Regulated Power Supplies
AC-DC single output

- Shipped Within 3 Days
- All models UL recognized
- All models CE certified
- Five Year Warranty
A broad selection of power supplies offering unusually high performance - many models have regulation of ±0.005%. Electronic current limiting and provision for remote voltage sensing are standard features; overvoltage protection is available as a built-in option. Rugged extruded aluminum cases include threaded mounting holes on bottom, back, and side, permitting mounting in any position.
Provision for remote sensing and/or external output adjustment.
Short circuit proof with automatic recovery (electronic current limiting).
These versatile supplies are ideal for powering digital circuitry, test sets, instrument bridges, and process control transmitters. Many models have regulation of ±0.1% or better. All components are generously derated to insure a long and trouble-free life, and they use the same rugged construction as the Series A line. Overvoltage protection and other options are available.
Short circuit proof (electronic current limiting).